Friday, January 14, 2011

It's been awhile...

Wednesday 1/12/11 was the first day of School at CCC for the term and that was late as we were delayed two days due to our local snow storm and clean up.

I can honestly say that there is only one thing worse than the first day of school, and that would be the first day of school that has been postponed due to weather issues.

One of my classes had been listed in the computer with the wrong room number so half the class went to where the room was listed at, and the other half went to the room we were supposed to be in.

The powers that be changed the book for one of my Math classes over the Christmas break and didn't bother to tell me or any of the other Math teachers in Kearney to expect it.  Let's just say that miffed isn't a good enough word to describe that.

More to come....

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Yet another one down

Well the certification exam train moves on.  Today I received email confirmation of my Linux+ certification status from CompTia.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Well, I passed another one.

I finally passed the Network+ certification test.  Yea for me.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

What Next?

This is going to be a very short blog post.  Because this is a public forum I can't say much about what is going on right now, and the health and safety of people are at stake.

Our family is deeply involved in this intensely personal issue and for the sake of decorum, and legal protection, I can't say anymore.

I haven't forgot about the blog.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Network + is next

This week I'm in the big middle of a long distance class delivered by the internet.  Its the Network+ study course.  My wife is out of town, so I'm all by myself.  Not much time to write stuff.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Status update

Well its official, I'm now A+ certified.

I've been studying off an on for these exams for several years, but because of financial reasons, Ive never been able to afford to take them.  Well, I took them, and passed them.  So now I get to wear the logo you see here.  Not a big deal really, many more of these to come by the end of the program.

After this semester, I'm exactly half way through my Masters program.  What a ride!