Monday, January 18, 2010

On facebook and high school graduating classmates

I have to say from the outset that I didn't like high school very much.  As an adult I found a very good reason for this.  After I was diagnosed with diabetes I was later diagnosed with something called diabetic depression.  It seems that for some people diabetes can aggravate a mild undiagnosed clinical depression and I found myself sleeping all the time and generally I was very hard to live with.  I didn't even like myself very much.

A few days ago someone I knew from school looked me up and send me a friend request.

As a matter of context, I never considered that any of the folks I went to school with were my friends simply because we weren't that close.  Some of that lack of closeness was me being mildly depressed and awkward, but the rest, I assume, stemmed from the fact that my father was an assistant superintendent of public schools at the school where I went.  Who among us wants to rouse rabble and cause trouble in front of witnesses that can not be trusted to keep their mouth shut?  (ie: me)

Anyway one of my classmates looked me up on facebook and asked me if I was the Rance that he went to high school with.  I said I was.  Then the facebook friend suggestion process runs wild suggesting to all of his friends that they might know me, and imagine that, some of them do.  I've already been in contact with three members of my high school class in as many days.

Given the fact that I graduated with just over 100 in my class, these three people and myself make up about 4% of the high school class.

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